Monday, January 7, 2008

Drugs Make You Ugly

So...the question is... is this really what you want to grow up to be? If you're using, welcome to your future. Or present, as the case may be although I doubt crackheads and speed freaks and the rest of the doper world have any interest in computers other than what they could sell them for to buy more drugs. So, they wouldn't exactly be sitting at a computer when they'd much rather be out getting more sores on their face. Or dying. Just in case you do use, then hear this: You are the most selfish person on the planet. Somebody, somewhere, loves you. Somebody cares. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THEM? You deserve sores on your face. But, that family member or friend or neighbor never deserved what you're doing to them right now. Do you have even one brain cell left? Could you use it for just a second here to THINK what you're doing to the ones who do care about you even if you no longer care? That little girl or little boy that you used to be, is the above video what you dreamed of being? Huh? It's NEVER TOO LATE to turn back into a human being. Do it. Now. Or you really are just plain ugly.

Permission granted to repost this post anywhere you think it might do some good. Please DO republish this post... everywhere. Thank you.

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